OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Readme

Setting Parameters for Silent Installation

The following Optional Parameters can be set for a customized silent installation for OpenBuildings Designer in conjunction with the standard Windows ® Installer command line options (msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]). These parameters allow you to set the location of the program installation directory, the location of your workspaces and set the backup state of existing datasets.

Parameter Name Description
APPLICATIONFOLDER The directory where the OpenBuildings Designer program and associated files will be installed. If not defined, the installer will use the default program location. This value must be quoted if it contains spaces or other characters that are reserved by the command shell.
PACKAGE_HOMEROOT The directory where the OpenBuildings Designer workspaces and associated files will be installed. If not defined, the installer will use the default Workspace location. This value must be quoted if it contains spaces or other characters that are reserved by the command shell.
BACKUPDATASET If set to "=0", the prompt from OpenBuildings Designer to "Backup the dataset" is suppressed and the dataset is NOT backed up (default behavior for silent or quiet (/q) installs or uninstalls). If set to "=1", the prompt from OpenBuildings Designer to "Backup the dataset" is suppressed and the dataset is automatically backed up.

For example:

msiexec /i "AECOsimBuildingDesigner.msi" APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Silent Install\Program\" PACKAGE_HOMEROOT="C:\Silent Install\HomeRoot\" BACKUPDATASET=0 /qn /l*v c:\silent.log.

This example performs a silent install of OpenBuildings Designer in quiet mode w/ no UI (/qn) , placing the program files under C:\Silent Install\Program\ (APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Silent Install\Program\") and the workspace under C:\Silent Install\HomeRoot\ (PACKAGE_HOMEROOT="C:\Silent Install\HomeRoot\"). The dataset is backup prompt is suppressed and is defined Not to be backed up (BACKUPDATASET=0) and the entire installation process is logged to a file located at C:\silent.log (/l*v c:\silent.log).

Note: A full description of msiexec and its required and optional parameters can displayed by entering msiexec /help in the command window.